Medical Appointments API

MedicalCenterEntity extends BaseEntity
in package

This class represents an entity for a medical center, extending the BaseEntity class.

The template parameter specifies the type of the entity's ID, which is an integer in this case.



Table of Contents

$active  : int|null
$createdAt  : string|null
$id  : mixed
$latitude  : float|null
$longitude  : float|null
$name  : string|null
$zoneName  : string|null
bind()  : void
Bind data to the entity properties.
fields()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Get the names of the entity properties as an array.
getActive()  : int
Check if the medical center is active.
getCreatedAt()  : string
Get the date and time when the medical center was created.
getId()  : I
Get the ID of the entity.
getLatitude()  : float
Get the latitude of the medical center's location.
getLongitude()  : float
Get the longitude of the medical center's location.
getName()  : string
Get the name of the medical center.
getZoneName()  : string
Get the ID of the time zone associated with the medical center.
setActive()  : void
Set the active status of the medical center.
setCreatedAt()  : void
Set the date and time when the medical center was created.
setId()  : void
Set the ID of the entity.
setLatitude()  : void
Set the latitude of the medical center's location.
setLongitude()  : void
Set the longitude of the medical center's location.
setName()  : void
Set the name of the medical center.
setZoneName()  : void
Set the ID of the time zone associated with the medical center.
values()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Get the values of the entity properties as an array.
valuesAsMap()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Get the values of the entity properties as a map.



private int|null $active = null

Flag indicating whether the medical center is active or not.


private string|null $createdAt = null

The date and time when the medical center was created.


private mixed $id

The ID of the entity. The type of the ID is determined by the template parameter.


private float|null $latitude = null

The latitude of the medical center's location.


private float|null $longitude = null

The longitude of the medical center's location.


private string|null $zoneName = null

The ID of the time zone associated with the medical center.



Bind data to the entity properties.

public bind(array<string|int, mixed> $data) : void

This method takes an associative array of data and binds the values to the entity's properties. It matches the keys of the data array with the properties defined in the entity's database model class, and if there is a match, it sets the property value using the corresponding setter method.

$data : array<string|int, mixed>

An associative array containing the data to bind to the entity properties.

Return values


Get the names of the entity properties as an array.

public fields() : array<string|int, mixed>
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>

An array containing the names of the entity properties.


Check if the medical center is active.

public getActive() : int
Return values

1 if the medical center is active, 0 otherwise.


Get the date and time when the medical center was created.

public getCreatedAt() : string
Return values

The date and time when the medical center was created.


Get the ID of the entity.

public getId() : I
Return values

The ID of the entity.


Get the latitude of the medical center's location.

public getLatitude() : float
Return values

The latitude of the medical center's location.


Get the longitude of the medical center's location.

public getLongitude() : float
Return values

The longitude of the medical center's location.


Get the name of the medical center.

public getName() : string
Return values

The name of the medical center.


Get the ID of the time zone associated with the medical center.

public getZoneName() : string
Return values

The ID of the time zone associated with the medical center.


Set the active status of the medical center.

public setActive(int $active) : void
$active : int

The active status to set for the medical center. 1 if the medical center is active, 0 otherwise.

Return values


Set the date and time when the medical center was created.

public setCreatedAt(string $createdAt) : void
$createdAt : string

The date and time when the medical center was created to set.

Return values


Set the ID of the entity.

public setId(I $id) : void
$id : I

The ID to set for the entity.

Return values


Set the latitude of the medical center's location.

public setLatitude(float $latitude) : void
$latitude : float

The latitude of the medical center's location to set.

Return values


Set the longitude of the medical center's location.

public setLongitude(float $longitude) : void
$longitude : float

The longitude of the medical center's location to set.

Return values


Set the name of the medical center.

public setName(string $name) : void
$name : string

The name of the medical center to set.

Return values


Set the ID of the time zone associated with the medical center.

public setZoneName(string $zoneName) : void
$zoneName : string

The ID of the time zone to set for the medical center.

Return values


Get the values of the entity properties as an array.

public values() : array<string|int, mixed>

This method retrieves the values of all properties defined in the entity's database model class and returns them as an array. The array represents the values that can be used in database operations.

Return values
array<string|int, mixed>

An array containing the values of the entity properties.


Get the values of the entity properties as a map.

public valuesAsMap() : array<string|int, mixed>

This method retrieves the values of all properties defined in the entity's database model class and returns them as an associative array, where the keys represent the property names and the values are the corresponding property values.

Return values
array<string|int, mixed>

An associative array containing the values of the entity properties.

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